EZ2 Lotto Numbers Frequency Of Winning Based On Order Of Drawing

Some numbers are frequently drawn first while some are frequently drawn the second.

Would you like to find out which numbers are usually or more frequently drawn first than second? If the theory is true, how significant is the probability of winning?

Numbers Commonly Drawn First

The following table presents the EZ2 numbers based on how frequently they were drawn as the first number — that means the first ball from the drawings. The numbers are ranked according to their frequency (Freq) of winning; ie the number of times they were drawn first. The figures under Recur (recurrence) is to give you an idea how often a number wins. For example, if Recur is 23, the number is drawn every 23 days. However, these figures represent average days. They are not exact and absolute. The Recur is only to give you an idea. The fact is: a number can recur in no specific pattern or sequence.

Rank Lotto# Freq Recur
Total drawings7529
1 16 274 27
2 10 268 28
3 15 266 28
4 19 259 29
5 05 258 29
6 14 254 30
7 07 253 30
7 08 253 30
9 23 250 30
10 21 249 30
11 04 247 30
12 31 245 31
13 06 244 31
14 12 243 31
14 20 243 31
14 25 243 31
14 30 243 31
18 26 241 31
18 28 241 31
20 22 240 31
21 13 237 32
21 29 237 32
23 01 233 32
23 18 233 32
25 03 232 32
25 27 232 32
27 02 227 33
28 11 225 33
29 17 224 34
30 09 221 34
31 24 214 35

Based on the statistics above, the winning frequency of each number ranges from 214 to 274 times; or, 2.8% to 3.6% probability share.

Numbers Commonly Drawn Second

The following data refer to EZ2 lotto numbers that were usually drawn second — ie, the second ball drawn.

Rank Lotto# Freq Recur
Total drawings 7529
1 14 287 26
2 04 281 27
3 25 270 28
4 22 263 29
5 08 261 29
6 01 257 29
6 06 257 29
8 23 251 30
9 02 249 30
9 28 249 30
11 24 248 30
12 11 247 30
13 21 245 31
14 10 244 31
15 05 243 31
16 31 242 31
17 13 241 31
18 26 240 31
19 03 239 32
20 27 238 32
21 30 236 32
22 16 235 32
23 12 232 32
24 29 230 33
25 15 228 33
26 17 227 33
27 07 224 34
28 18 220 34
29 09 219 34
30 19 216 35
31 20 210 36

Based on the statistics above, the winning frequency of each number ranges from 210 to 287 times; or, 2.8% to 3.8% probability share.


Generally, the statistics above state that a lotto number, whether drawn first or second, has 2.8% to 3.8% probability range of winning, which is not very significant. That means, it does not matter whether you play your numbers in the first or second in order.

Individually, however, if you are going to consider the ranking only, some numbers rank high if drawn first; but rank low if drawn second. For example, lotto number 01 is usually drawn second (ranks 6th) than first (ranks 23rd). The frequency difference, however, which is 24 (257 - 233), is not that significant.

Though it is true that some numbers are more frequently drawn first than second, or vice-versa, the probability of winning first or second is only a matter of -34 to 43 difference; or -0.4% to 0.5%.

How To Use The Data

Though it is not significant whether a number was drawn first or second, you can use the above data to limit the numbers you wish to play. It is not practical to play all the numbers because even if you surely win, your lost is greater than your winnings. To limit your numbers, pick those that rank high; or, pick a number with a high ranking and pair it with a low ranking number.
