Ultra Lotto 6/58 Probable Triad Patterns

Triad Patterns

A triad refers to 3 lotto numbers that are next to each other in a combination, arranged in numerical order from smallest to largest number. Numbers in a triad may come from one, two, or three number groups. For example, triad 011 comes from 2 groups: 1s and 10s. Triad 123 comes from 3 groups: 10s, 20s and 30s; triad 333 comes from only 1 number group: the 30s.

There are 56 possible triad patterns. Only 14 triad patterns belong to the top 59%. This means that in 100% occurrences, 59% belong to the top 14 triads.

There are 17 triad patterns that belong to the bottom 5%; four of them have negative probability. The rest of the patterns (25 triads all in all) belong to the middle probability group.

Top 14 Triad Patterns

The table Top 14 Triads lists the top 14 most probable triad patterns in the order of the most probable ones on top. These patterns may exist at the beginning or end of a 6-number combination, or somewhere in between. Some of these patterns are not probable in certain positions. These are indicated by an ✗ under the ABCDEF columns; where A refers to the 1st number in a combination, assuming a numerical order; while F refers to the 6th number. So, if your combination is 01 • 02 • 07 • 10 • 50 • 57, ABC refers to the numbers 01 • 02 • 07 (1st, 2nd, 3rd numbers); and DEF refers to 10 • 50 • 57 (4th, 5th, 6th numbers).

What the symbols mean

  • The red star indicates better probability.
  • 😐 The neutral emoji face indicates a low probability. An instance of less than 10 times.
  • The ✗ mark indicates zero probability.
So, for example, triad 011 is better in ABC and BCD positions but has never happened in DEF position. It has occurred less than 10 times in the CDE position.

An Example

The table that follows shows 2 actual results with triad 011. The first combination shows triad 011 as 1st, 2nd 3rd numbers; the second example shows the triad 011 as the 2nd, 3rd, 4th numbers. This pattern is unusual to be the 4th - 6th (DEF) numbers. If you put 07 • 11 • 17 to DEF position, your combination would be any 6 numbers from 01 - 19 only; something like this: 01 • 03 • 06 • 07 • 11 • 17. This combination is possible but in terms of probability, you may only get 3 numbers correct for the reason that triad 011 is better in the 1st to 4th order.
Triad Examples
01101134507 • 11 • 17 • 37 • 49 • 56ABC15 Jun 18
01100112501 • 04 • 13 • 19 • 29 • 51BCD29 Jun 18
There are other triads to consider, however, the top 14 is more than enough to try because in one triad alone, there are more than 5 million possible combinations. However, with an aid of a probability tool, you may be able to isolate the numbers that would most likely win.

In case you are still interested, here are the 25 triads that make the other 36% most common winning triads: 113, 134, 124, 333, 335, 245, 224, 244, 235, 444, 013, 133, 355, 022, 111, 023, 000, 555, 002, 222, 033, 125, 255, 225, 114.

Combining Numbers With The Triads

Even without a probability tool, you can use the triad to form your combinations. You simply have to know the most recent results.
  1. Pick at least 2 triads to form your 6-number combination. For example, 011 and 234.
  2. For each number group, assign a lotto number. For example, for 0, you may pick 07 from the most recent draws.
  3. Pick only one number from each result. If a number has been drawn more than once, pick the most recent one.
  4. Think random instead of sequential. For example, pick one number from the 3rd most recent draw; then one number from the latest one; then another number from the 7th most recent draw, and so forth and so on. To aid you in selecting which draw to pick a number from, you can throw a set of dice; or use a spinner such as this from Google: Google's Spinner; or use the one below from Wheel Decide.
  5. Remember to observe the odd-even and low-high probability.
  6. Take a risk from time to time. Include a combination or two that's outside the common pattern.

Decide Which Recent Draw
