Top EZ2 Lotto Numbers From The 4:00 PM Draws

What are the numbers that usually win from the 4PM draws? The top seven are 14, 4, 2, 1, 10, 5, and 24. These numbers have won 135 to 148 times out of 1,930 draws.

The most inactive numbers are 9, 11, 12, 7, and 20. All of these have won only 96 to 109 times.

On the average, each number in the 4PM draws would recurringly win within a 20-day period. Each number shares a 2.49% to 3.83% chance of winning.

To limit your choices as to which two numbers you wish to play, you can pick from these top 16 numbers: 01, 05, 13, 15, 29, 23, 27, 14, 04, 02, 10, 06, 24, 22, 28, 30.

3D Matrix of the EZ2 Lotto 4PM Results

Grouping the EZ2 lotto numbers based on certain attributes would give you a clear picture as to which type of numbers usually win.

Based on the above matrix, low-even numbers 2 to 16, except 8, 12 & 16, have better chances of winning. You can combine these with high-even numbers or low-odd numbers.

11:00 AM Draws Compared To 4:00 PM Draws

Comparing the statistics as a result of the 11AM and 4PM draws analyses, eight numbers showed up as common. These are: 04, 06, 13, 14, 15, 23, 27, 30. These are the numbers that frequently win from both 11AM and 4PM draws. So, whether you are playing for the 11AM or 4PM draws, these 8 numbers are your numbers.

Sampled Data

The data presented here are based on 1,930 draws from 30 August 2009 up to 14 January 2015. The winning results are from the 4:00 PM draws.
