Top EZ2 Lotto Numbers Of All Time

We have tallied the top performing EZ2 lotto numbers from each draw separately. This is with the assumption that the balls used in one draw are never used in the other draws. Three numbers – 04, 14, & 23 – consistently remained in the top 15 from all the daily draws. Twelve numbers remained in the top 15 from 2 draws but not from all draws; whereas, there were also twelve numbers that topped in one draw but not in the other draws. The remaining 4 numbers did not top from any draw. These are 09, 17, 18, & 20.

EZ2 Lotto All-Time Frequently Winning Numbers

From every draw, a different set of balls are used, selected from a multiple sets of balls. Assuming that the set of balls are non-exclusive to a particular draw, which means that all sets of balls can be used in any draw regardless of the time of draw, then at least, we can say that whatever factors that affect the drawing of the balls remain the same in every draw. Therefore, we can combine all the daily draw results as if they were from a single draw.

Combining all the data, the following table ranks the top 15 most frequently winning numbers, and the bottom 16 that win less frequently.
Top EZ2 Lotto Numbers of all Time
14 | 04 | 2528 | 30 | 26
16 | 08 | 0502 | 19 | 03
23 | 06 | 1027 | 07 | 29
22 | 15 | 2112 | 11 | 24
31 | 01 | 1317 | 20 | 18
09 |

The Facts In Numbers

Every draw, the probability that each number can possibly be drawn is 1 out of 31 chances, at most 2:31. That's 3.22% to 6.45% probability. That is the fact because there are 31 balls all in all, no more no less; and that, in every draw, two balls are drawn constantly.

To ensure your chances, you have to play all the 31 numbers. This guarantees that two of your numbers will be drawn. However, it does not guarantee winning yet because you may not have paired the two numbers correctly.

Here's another fact. To win the game, your chances of winning slims down because the probability of winning is 0.202% only, i.e. 1 out of 496 chances if you are playing your numbers in any order. If playing for an exact order, the probability of winning is 0.104%; i.e. 1 out of 961 chances. There are 961 possible combinations. If the order of numbers is not significant, there are 496 possible combinations. To increase your chances of winning, you have to play 200 combinations, but that just to break even in case your numbers win.

How Frequent Does Each Number Win

Playing the top performing numbers may increase your chances of winning; or at least, narrow down your choices of possible combinations. The top 15 numbers have won 524 - 581 times out of 16,226 events. (An event refers to the act of drawing a ball). The bottom 16 have won 482 - 523 times. All the 31 numbers share 2.97% - 3.58% winning chances. All in all, for every 28 to 34 events, i.e. for every chance of drawing a ball, a number may win once (1:28 - 1:34).

Relative to the number of draws, the top 15 numbers have 6.46% - 7.16% winning occurences. The bottom 16 numbers have 5.94% - 6.45% winning occurences. This assumes that no number is drawn twice in every draw.

In A Nutshell

Based on given facts, the probability of a number to be drawn is 1:31 or 3.22%. Based on statistical facts, the probability of a number to be drawn frequently ranges from 1:28 to 1:34, or 2.97% - 3.58%. See how close the figures are. This only proves that every number is a good number. However, comparing the winning frequency of 14 with 581 winning occurences and 9 with 482 winning occurences, that is a difference of 99 winning chances. So, would you rather play the number with 99 more winning chances or just ignore it?

Sampled Data

The data presented here is a result of analyzing 16226 winning numbers based on 8113 draws occurring from July 2004 to February 2015.

Next Chapter

In the next chapter, we will explore more about the winning frequency of each number. This time, we will separate the first draw of ball as a separate event from the second draw of the next ball. This is to find out any significance between the first draw of ball to that of the second ball. Note that in every draw, there are two sets of balls used separately. Which numbers are usually drawn first?

Some Interesting Facts

On 15 February 2015, lotto #14 ranked 1st; while #1 ranked 14th. The #23 ranked 7th; while #7 ranked 23rd. The #21 ranked 12th; while #31 ranked 13th.
