The matrix above shows which of the Lotto 6/55 numbers are currently hot or cold. It also shows where the winning numbers were usually coming from the last 19 draws.
I call this the Season Matrix. It shows the results of the last 21 draws. These draws are classified into four: hot or red, springer or yellow, winterfell or green, and cold or blue.
Hot season (red/pink area). The hot area refers to the last 6 draws. In this area, numbers are like pop corns that keep on popping up. That is why they are called hot numbers. Most winning numbers, but not all, come from this area.
Springer season (yellow area). The springer area refers to the previous 3 draws prior to the hot area. When a number enters this area, it seems to relax. At one point, it may spring up to be hot again. That's why I call it springer.
Winterfell season (green area). When a springer enters the green area, it tends to turn cold. It is like that the number is preparing for the coming winter. This refers to the previous 6 draws prior to the springer season. I call it winterfell because the numbers tend to whither and lose their leaves like trees in autumn or fall season, signaling the coming winter. Whew! What a drama. Winterfell is actually a fictional place in the HBO drama series Game of Thrones.
Cold season (blue area). When a number from a winterfell enters the cold season, you can predict that it is going to remain cold for a long time. A cold number can hibernate for as long as 183 days. The cold season refers to the 6 previous draws prior to the winterfell season.
Hibernation period. There is also the grey area. These are the numbers that are already outside the matrix. These numbers have not been winning for the last more than 21 draws. Once a number hibernates, it is going to sleep for a long, long time. Once it wakes up, it tends to be hot again.
The Matrix Further Explained
The results column area, referring to the Last 21 Draws, show the numbers 1 to 55, highlighting only the most recent winning. If a number is grayed, it means it has won at least twice during the last 21 draws. For example, the number 9 has won twice: on 3 Jun and 16 May. The 9 on 16 May is grayed. The purpose of this is to determine which numbers are getting hotter or turning colder.The next column area is the Winning Times. It shows how often each number in Lotto 6/55 has won for the last 21 draws. For example, the number 43 has won 6 times. It also shows which numbers used to be hot but has turned cold. For example, 28 with 3 previous wins used to be hot but now turning cold. If a lotto number corresponds to zero, these are the numbers in hibernation.
The next column area (colored pink, yellow, green and blue) shows where the winning numbers were coming from. Notice how hot the red/pink area is? The numbers in this area refer to the winning times of a lotto number when it won.
Let's examine further. This is how your read the area entitled "where the winning numbers were coming from."
Vertical reading. Take for example the very last column. The very last column shows 4 pink numbers and 2 yellow numbers. This means 4 of the winning numbers are hot numbers, and 2 were springers. It refers to the 03 June draw. The numbers in that column (3 2 3 1 4 2) refer to the winning times of the lotto numbers before they were drawn again; which means, one number has won 4 times and another once only. Two numbers have won 3 times, and 2 numbers twice. If you are going to look at a bigger picture, you will notice which numbers are usually winning. Are these the numbers that have won 3 times or 4 times? Do you usually see 1 in each column? Does it say that at least 1 winning number has won only once in the entire 21-draw period?
You will notice, however, that the winning times 3 2 3 1 4 2 in the last column do not correspond to the 03 June winning times. The reason for that is that the numbers in the column refer to the winning times before 03 June; while the winning times that correspond to 03 June draw is the current winning status of the numbers. Simply put, they are the before and after.
Horizontal reading. If you examine the colored cells horizontally, you will notice that certain rows have more colored cells than the other rows. For example, in the springer area, the 8th row seems to be more active than the 7th and 9th row.
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