EZ2 Lotto: Predicting the Winning Numbers Based on Linear Probability

It is interesting how statistics can reveal information. By collecting data and analysing them, you'd be surprised of what you might discover. Can probability data predict the next winning lotto number. Let's find out.

Top and Bottom EZ2 Lotto Numbers

Let me first give you the top winning EZ2 lotto numbers of 2019. Which of the numbers do you think are currently performing well? Based on 2019 draw results, here are the 31 EZ2 lotto numbers with their corresponding winning values and ranking. With these data, you will know the top 15 winning numbers of EZ2 Lotto; likewise the bottom 16.

How can this be useful?

Knowing which numbers are hot and which numbers are cold is a good idea. However, if a number is frequently winning, it does not mean it is going to win everyday, which tells you that other numbers can also win. On the brighter side, if a number is less winning, most likely, you would rather not play that number. If that is your number, at least, you would know the reason why it has not been winning. Nevertheless, a cold number may eventually win sometime; it might just take time.

So, when do you play a top winning number; and when do you not?

The answer is by using linear data.

Predicting Winning Numbers With Linear Probability

Is there a way to know which numbers may eventually win?

Perhaps. Based on probability data, you might just have an idea as to which numbers may probably win. It's not absolute, but at least, it may increase your chance by using the select and eliminate method. It's like select what's good, then eliminate what's not so good.

One way to know which numbers are more probable to win is the use of comparative data. For example, try to group the results into a week. Then for every week group, count the number of times each lotto number had won. By collecting and summarising the data, statistics may just reveal a useful information.

Linear Pattern

If you have a rich source of comparative data, one useful information that you can derive from the comparatives is the use of a linear chart. Plotting the instances of winning of each number will give you a hint as to the direction of the numbers.

Here's an example of a chart. It shows how number 13 has been winning during the last 30 draws; and the trend is that it looks like it will continue to rise (direction of the line is from right to left where plots on the right are based on older periods; the very last point towards the left refers to the current 30-draw period).

The question now is when exactly it is going to win. The data can only presume its probability but it is not going to be specific. An indicator perhaps might help.

Winning Indicator

I divided the results of 2019 into smaller groups. Each group comprises 30 draw results. In each group, I counted the instances each lotto number had won. The summary is as follows.

What do the data tell us? First let me explain the labels.
  • Wins. It refers to the number of times a lotto number has won.
  • Instance. It refers to the instances the value of Wins has occurred in all periods. For example, the value of 1 has appeared in the matrix of data (comparative data) 114 times (this value may change as results are added to the database).
  • %. The percentage of probability.
  • Current. Current refers to the current 30-draw period; while Instance refers to all periods, present and past.
  • Diff. It is the difference between the 2 percentages. Assuming the probability rates are consistent, the difference indicates if the probability rate of the current period is trending away from the ideal probability rate. A negative value may indicate that the winning number may come from the group that it represents.
  • 0 - 8. These values refer to the number of times a lotto number has won. Zero means it did not win; 8 means the lotto number had won 8 times.
Based on the Periodic Wins data, you can deduce that:
  • A lotto number can win up to 8 times per period; but not higher than that. So, if in the current period, a lotto number has already won 8 times, most likely it is not going to win the 9th time.
  • Though possible, it is rare that a lotto number can win 6 or 7 times. So, if in the current period, an EZ2 lotto number has already won 6 or 7 times, it is more probable that it won't win again than to win the 7th or 8th time. Rather not play it unless you want to risk it.
  • Very often times, a lotto number wins only from 1 to 3 times. This means that a lotto number would win at least once per period. In many other cases, it can also win up to 3 times. So, when picking numbers, pick those that have not won yet; or have won once, twice or thrice.

In A Nutshell

You don't have to have the matrix of data like the one I used in my study. All you need is the results of the last 30 draws. Follow the collect, select and eliminate method.
  1. Collect the data. Count the number of times each lotto number had won during the last 30 draws.
  2. Eliminate the least probable. Those that have won 5x or more are unlikely to win again.
  3. Those that have won 1x, 2x or 3x are more likely to win.
  4. Those that have not won yet and those that have won 4x are less likely to win compared to those that have won 1x, 2x, 3x.
There you go. I hope this information helps.

In my next post, I will explain how you can narrow down further those numbers that have won 1x, 2x, 3x.


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