Ultra Lotto 6/58 Odd-Even Ratios and Probability

Odd vs Even Numbers

Which numbers win most: Odd or Even?

In order to come up with significant probability data of odd vs even numbers, each result studied was arranged numerically from smallest to largest number. As a result, statistics may reveal which type of number wins mostly: odd numbers or even numbers.


  • If your goal is to make all your 6 numbers right, playing all odd numbers or all even numbers do not give you better chances of winning.
  • The most probable ratio of odd to even are 3:3, 2:4 and 4:2.
  • If your numbers contain 5 odd numbers or 5 even numbers, consider shifting them to 2:4 or 4:2 ratio.
  • Doubles (2 odds or 2 evens) are as popular as odd and even next to each other.

Major Odd-Even Ratios

There are seven (7) major odd-even patterns.

  1. Six odd numbers
  2. Six even numbers
  3. Five odd numbers, 1 even number
  4. Five even numbers, 1 odd number
  5. Four odd numbers, 2 even numbers
  6. Four even numbers, 2 odd numbers
  7. Three odd numbers, 3 even numbers

Which of the patterns just mentioned commonly win?

The Odd-Even Probability

3:3 Odd-Even Ratio

If your combination has 3 odd numbers and 3 even numbers, you have a better chance of winning compared to all-odd numbers or all-even numbers. The probability that a result would have 3 odd numbers and 3 even numbers is 36.5%. However, that probability also means that the chance of a result is otherwise is 63.5%. Therefore, it is not always that all the combinations that you have to play have 3 odd numbers and 3 even numbers.

4:2 & 2:4 Odd-Even Ratios

If your combination has 4 odd numbers and 2 even numbers, most likely your numbers can win by 24.4% probability. If your combination has 2 odd numbers and 4 even numbers, your odds of winning is 21.8%.

1:5 & 5:1 Odd-Even Ratios

If your combination has 5 odd numbers or 5 even numbers, your chance of winning is a low 8.4% probability and 6.4% probability respectively. If you notice that your combination has this pattern ⎯ 5 odds or 5 evens ⎯ to increase the chance of your numbers to win, might as well change one of the odd numbers to even; or change one of the even numbers to an odd number.

All Odd or All Even

Playing all odd numbers or all even numbers are the patterns that you can ignore because together they make only a probability of 2.5%.

Odd-Even Stats

What follows is the complete statistics of the odd-even ratios. The figures on this chart may change as current results are added.

Donut chart of Odd:Even Ratios

Predicting the Next Ratio

Is there a way to predict the next possible ratio? Yes, but it is not 100% accurate. Following is a linear chart based on the most recent 100 Ultra Lotto 6/58 drawings. It shows how the odd:even numbers ratio are moving. The linear graph gives you an idea what could probably win from the next draw: how many odd numbers and how many even numbers. Note that the chart shows only values of odd numbers. It is understood that its mirror would show the even numbers data.

Linear graph showing the current odd-even ratio movement

Popular Odd-Even Sequences

Perhaps, you’re wondering which of your numbers should be odd or even and in what order. Should your first number be odd or even? What about the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th?

The answer is any of your numbers can be odd or even because the probability of any number to be odd or even, without regard to ratio, is almost the same; ranging from 48%-53%. Therefore, the chance of a winning number to be odd or even is almost 50:50.

However, to further establish what’s more probable, start eliminating what's not probable.

Alternating Odd and Even Numbers

Starting with the alternating odd-even patterns (eg OEOEOE or EOEOEO), results show that this type of pattern does not frequently happen. Its probability is only 6.1%. So, might as well avoid this type of pattern.

Straight Odd vs Straight Even

Six (6) odd numbers straight or 6 even numbers straight. This pattern has occurred only 2.5% of all the results. You can avoid these patterns.
Five (5) odd numbers straight or 5 even numbers straight. This type of pattern has occurred only 2.8% of all the results. Together with the 6 straight patterns, the probability of having straight 5 odd or straight 5 even numbers is 5.3%. You may choose to ignore this form as well.
Four (4) odd numbers straight or 4 even numbers straight. This type of pattern has occurred only 13.5% of all the results. If we consider the 6 and 5 straight patterns, the probability of having 4 straight odd or 4 straight even numbers is 18.8%.
Three (3) odd numbers straight or 3 even numbers straight. This pattern has occurred 35% of all the results. The probability however, of having 3 straight odd or even numbers is 53.8%.
This type of pattern (double straight 3 odds and evens) has occurred only 3% of all the results. You can avoid this type of pattern.
Doubles or 2 Odds or 2 Evens Straight
The probability that 2 straight odds (OO) or 2 straight evens (EE) to exist is 93.9%. This means that, at least, one double can exist in most every result. The chance that such pattern does not exist is only 6.1%.
  • 1 Double. OO or EE. A single double can exist at 47.5% probability. Related patterns are OOEOEO, EOOEOE, OEOOEO, EOEOOE, OEOEOO, EEOEOE, OEEOEO, EOEEOE, OEOEEO, EOEOEE.
  • 2 Doubles. OO OO or EE EE or OO EE or EE OO. Two doubles can exist at 44.4% probability. These doubles can exist in any order. Related patterns are EOOEOO, OEEOEE, OOEEOE, EEOOEO, OOEOOE, EEOEEO.
  • 3 Doubles. This type of pattern is rare. It has occurred only at 2% of all the results. Related patterns are OOEEOO, EEOOEE, OOOOEE, EEEEOO, OOEEEE, EEOOOO.
You don’t have to memorize all these patterns. Just remember that there can only be one or two doubles in your combination. The rest of the numbers should be alternating odd-even or even-odd.

Significance of the Odd:Even Ratio Probability

What is the significance of determining the next odd and even numbers? It's really not that you have to monitor every movement of the odd:even ratio. Anything is possible; even the most extraordinary patterns can possibly win at any time (though rarely). To play safe, simply observe the most common ratios: 3:3, 2:4, 4:2.

In A Nutshell

  • The 3:3, 4:2, and 2:4 ratios are the most significant ones among the seven (7) odd-even patterns. Together, they comprise 82.7% of all the results studied. So, when forming your combinations, limit your numbers to these odd-even ratios.
  • Two consecutive numbers may either be both odd or both even or one odd and the other even. The patterns OO, EE, OE, and EO share almost equal probability.
  • Your combination should have one or two doubles (2 straight odds or evens). The remaining numbers should be alternating odd and even.
  • 3 odd numbers straight or 3 even numbers straight are also common at 50:50 chance.
